Being productive

Again, I’ve been watching Ali Abduul videos and figuring out my best working techniques to be more productive. Perhaps it’s because I’m 37 and feeling like have my life has passed. Perhaps I’m having a midlife crisis. But I’m finding myself very aware of my place in life. What am I doing? I’ve got my …


I’ve been looking into Revature to jumpstart my career in tech. I’ve taken some coding bootcamp classes at NuCamp and also The Tech Academy. They were great, but Revature is offering paid training and feels like a more guaranteed way of securing a job. After about 10-12 weeks of training, you are in a staging …

You own time

“At any given moment, you are doing what you most want to be doing.”

Welcome members!

You are my favorites. Congrats. The rest of them bitches ain’t shit and if you can see this, you are the best.